08 January 2006

It's all a matter of perspective

So if you don't know that I am travelling at the moment, I don't know where you have been! Yesterday I went to Bath and everywhere I went I would continue to exclaim, "It's so pretty!" And I continued to walk around the city in awe at the timelessness and beauty.

But as we were driving out after a great time of sight-seeing, I had to wonder, "What does Bath look like to the people who grew up here? And if you moved here and then lived here, would you still notice the beauty of it all?" It reminded me of how we sometimes get with God, complacent and not really noticing. It is easy as new Christians to see God in everything that you do, or just after you've had an amazing time of revelation. But what about for the rest of the time? How often do we really see God in the everyday? He's there, but how easily do we close our eyes to it all and just walk by as if it's all the same? I know I do it, but I have been desiring to do it less. Little by little I can see God changing it in me. Slowly I find that He is creeping more and more into everything that I do. Reminds me of a good song of eLi's:

You asked me for spare change hungry and afraid
My pockets weren't that full but I gave you everything
You touched my hands the teardrops feel and I was changed
I felt a greater love now I'll never be the same

Does it make you sad that I never knew you looked like that
Or does it make you laugh that I never knew you looked like that

There you are again no matter where I turn
You wait for me to notice, wonderin' if I'll learn

I hear you whisper through the trees I feel the sun
You paint the changing leave the frost that's yet to come
The promise of the springtime your fragrance fills the air
When I take the time to seek you, your hand is everywhere

It's good stuff to remember.


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