12 January 2006

Who am I?

So I'm travelling, right? And I'm going and seeing all these amazing things and I going shopping and going to the theatre and all this fun stuff. And I've been having a ball! And it got me thinking, "Is this me?" Is this who I am, do I want to do this for the rest of my life? Do I want to have the money to do all the fancy things and have a great time? Because this life has been fun so far. And what does that mean for the other life that I profess to love? The life of the streets, of sacrifice and hardship, and seeing the worst side of people and loving them even more? What about that? Can you do both? I don't know if you can. Because to really be on the streets you have to be legit. You have to live life with them and not be classes above and just "come down to there level". So I think there is choice involved. And what do I want to do? And so this is what I was thinking as I was walking home from seeing Fame last night. And then we walked past a guy begging. And you know what, it brought it all back into perspective. Because that is where my heart is. All this other fancy stuff, is nice, but really it's just a chasing after the wind. There would come a time when money is not enough and all the things you could do with it get boring. But people, you can spend a lifetime with people and never have enough. And the streets still make me feel alive. Even now, being out at night on the streets is my favourite bit about London. And so I remember once again who I am. I do love the streets. And I want to live the life that allows me to minister to the marginalised. I have yet to discover whether that means I never do any of this other stuff, but you know what, if it means that I never do, I'll be ok. There are far more important things in this world. Like souls. And I want to be in the department that goes for that everyday!


At 7:38 pm, January 22, 2006, Blogger Shannon said...

I think sometimes it comes down to where you want to live your life. It is nice to see new and nice places meet new people all the time. But if thats all your life is then its shallow and meaningless. You miss out on the cost it takes to have true friendships and real experiences. Most people enjoy nice things but those with only nice things are often searching for so much more. So it becomes a choice of a life with living or a life that skims the surface.
That's my thoughts anyway


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