16 February 2006

How am I? (In case you were wondering!)

I wrote this as an email to some friends and then decided it was slightly 'blog-worthy'. So I thought I'd put it up here. Some of it is 'old' news, but I thought I'd just put it in 'as is'.

I am good, great in fact. I didn't expect to find myself in this place. Somehow these days have become a romance with the Lover of my soul. I spent a week maybe being slightly frustrated about being here because there was just so little to do and I felt stir crazy. But I have discovered why I am here. First and foremost it seems to be fall more and more in love with my God everyday. He is just filling up my heart and opening up more of Himself to me everyday. I am learning to hear His voice more and to follow His promptings. Somehow faith seems more real and vibrant than it has ever been. It is not just some concept, but real and alive and living. Prayer times have become amazing. I have always had difficulty making the time and then sticking at prayer. But these days I just sit, or kneel (learnt much about the benefits of physicality of this relationship), and hang out with my God. And really just talking to Him and praying the Bible and hearing His voice. I am doing college prep as well, to get it out of the way for whenever I get here for real! And it's just been great. Being seeing so many things fall together in His Word and pulling together skeleltons of preaches that He gives me that hopefully one day I will get to preach. I feel like, this is what it is to live in the palm of His hand. Life has never felt like living, like it does now. It really is that good!

Canada is getting closer and closer. Today is 3 weeks and 1 day til I leave. I am so excited! I know where I will be staying. I will be staying in a room with 3 other girls (I think this means 2 bunk beds in one room) and the about 5 other people on our side and a similar amount on the other side. So it will be community living to the max. Funnily enough, everyone would think that this would suit me (and I think it will) but having spent these last two weeks in a far more solitude like state (there are still people but separate rooms and heaps of time to myself), I know I will miss the alone time. Think that I will have to make time for it. That's the other thing that I know the Sydney time is for. As preparation, to rest and restore and to allow me to put in place disciplines that I will need going over there and also to bring me to the place that I need to be. My heart for that place is growing already and I think God has been telling me something. I think that this might be my mission field. That is, the streets. It hadn't really occurred to me before. I guess I had said things like that before, but never probably realised it. For me it is easy to see Africa, India, wherever, as mission places but I've never had this compulsion to get there. But I love the streets. So I think this is my jungle. Of cement and concrete where the ignorance and deliberate isolation of people are the dangers that lurk and the lost tribes are the drug addicts and the prostitutes. This is my battle front. This is my war. It's nice to think that even though I am leaving home I might just be going home.


At 10:27 pm, February 16, 2006, Blogger Cassie said...

Yay, Bec is doing good!!! Don't u just love feeling good? By the way, Taco, Bec's home is Brisbane!!! I guess you can have her over there for a little while!!! Love u Bec

At 3:55 am, February 17, 2006, Blogger Naomi said...

Glad to hear you're doing well :-)

Interested in joining a StreetWar team blog for reports on what God's doing in our inner-city areas (worldwide)? See Blog Entry for more info.

At 11:48 am, February 24, 2006, Blogger Rebekah Dooley said...

i am looking forwarding to see you bec and hanging out with you more :D


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