God's love

This is really with props to Anthony who preached at Glebe salvos on Sunday. The message was great, and really got me thinking. See, in honour of Valentines Day he decided to preach on 1 Corinthians 13. He spent his whole sermon speaking about God's love for us and how it realy just blows our mind if we try to think about it. At first I thought it was a bit cliched, but then it grabbed me, it is really cool sometimes to just sit under the reminder of how much God loves us. And the truth is, we all seem to forget it so easily, or at least don't live in it, so we probably need to hear it more.
And so I let the message of the love of God sink in, and yes, it did blow my mind away. But then I realised something else. If God loves me that much, what am I doing with it? Why do I ever doubt what I've been given because I wonder what others will think of it? Why do I shrink in the corner and hide away, unsure of myself? Why am I tempted to believe that I am unloved or unloveable? Why do I ever not be the absolute best, most and fullest that I can be? Why do I ever doubt myself with God?
Because if I really get God's love, then I won't. If I understand how much He loves me and I live in this everyday then I will have everything that I need. I don't need to worry about what other people think, because my Dad loves me and all of my assurance is found in Him. I don't need to question the thing that I've been prompted to do or say as right, wondering if I will be made the fool, because if my God loves me then I have my security in Him. I shine because He loves me and He loves me to shine. I am loved and I am free, to be everything that He has called me to be and not hold back. The biggest reason I hold back is because I worry about criticism of others. But if I know my God's love, and that nothing can separate me from it, then I don't need to worry about that. He is everything I need and so I will not look for anything more.
I think I am learning more of what it means to live in this love! Praise the Lord!!! It's kinda cool. :)

Awwww... :-)
That is cool.
PS. Your 'fun' blog seems to be set to private... is that deliberate?
nup, didn't know it was, really don't change it that often. I write on it when I realise that with all my writing I haven't told people what I'm doing!
hmm, so it seems to be working if I follow the link. But msn can be really temperamental!
Mmmmm... this is what I get:
The space you are trying to view might not exist or access to it may be restricted.
Doesn't change if I'm logged in to MSN. Anyways, don't stress over it on my account - I thought you might wanna know :)
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