11 February 2006

I worked it out! (or at least I got told)

I came down to Sydney not really knowing why I was here. Oh yes, I had some ideas that it was me and God time and that I would spend some great times in prayer and in the Word and that I would also try and get the rest of my college prep done. But really when it came down to it, I didn't really know why I was here. God said come, or go, and so I did. I just found out why I am here.

This is my preparation time. I guess I had kind of being saying that to people, but I hadn't really realised the truth of it. I have just finished reading Waking the Dead (John Eldredge). It really is a great book. John is an easy writer to read and the message of the book is something that we all need to hear. In a desperate, this is important for the rest of your life and for others, kind of way. The book is about your heart being fully alive in God. Even if you think you have this it is definitely worth the read. But enough on the free plug.

Here is basically what God has been saying to me.

"You are here to rest, to recoperate, to recover. You are here to spend time with me. To explore more of your heart, to let me restore it and to learn more about me. That is why you are here. And while you are here you role is to use this time to establish the habits and disciplines you will need when you leave here. Take this time and use it as the valuable thing that it is. Use it wisely to equip yourself. That is why I have given you this time. Because where you are going you will need it, and not just so much for yourself. You will need it for others. If you are to fulfill what I am calling you to then you will need your heart in the right place and you will need to know how to guard it. Because out of there flow the wellsprings of life. Take this time, learn these lessons, do not scorn what you have been given."

Because to tell you the truth I kind of had. Yes, I kind of knew there was a reason for me being down here and so I came, but since being down here it has often felt that I am just marking time, waiting for where I want to be. I have gotten slightly frustrated more than once. But I've finally been told why I am here. And so I am determined to make the most of what has been given to me. I will get my college prep done. This is not something that I need to take with me to have to worry about getting done while I am over there. And I will be diligent in establishing disciplines of time with God. And not only the time but the quality of content as well. This is my job and I'm gonna fight for it. Because I know that the enemy will work to take it from me and, for all the time that I do have, take the time away from me, and encourage me to see it as not a priority. For now this is my battle.

Because that was the other thing that I had been feeling bad about. I've been reading about a battle and I've been talking about a battle, but what am I doing to engage in that right now? I had thought, not much. But now I realise, at present, this is my task for the battle. I've been called in off the front lines for a time to regroup and up-skill. I'm kind of disappointed that I need so long to do this but this is one of the things that God is telling me. "The reason that you need to take so much time out is that you have not been looking after yourself on the run. So I've pulled you out to get you up to speed. So if you don't want to have to do this again, or very regularly, then learn how to do it on the run. And if you can't learn to do it while you've got the time, you'll never learn to do it when you don't." So I have been soundly told and I am endeavouring to learn the lesson.

I must say, I do love this blog. It is so good for me. It means that I take far more notice of the lessons that I learn. Because I realise them, and then I think about how I will write them. And then I actually get around to writing them. And then I get the benefit of rereading them at a later date. And the bonus is I get to share them all with you, and maybe, just maybe they might help someone else as well.


At 12:10 am, February 12, 2006, Blogger Cassie said...

Well, it always amazes me how people seem to know what they need and if someone asks them why God has told them to do something, they can give a perfect answer. Although, when it comes down to it, most of us find it really difficult to do what we need. Keep enjoying your time in Sydney (after all, spending time with God is always enjoyable, even if it doesn't seem so) and may I say, I feel somewhat jealous that I can't have unlimited God time. Needless to say, I am one of those people who need to learn to do it on the run!!! Love you Bec, and of course I'm always praying for you to become more and more the woman God calls you to and I thank God that you've been such an integral part of my spiritual growth!!! Coolies, Cass

At 1:46 pm, February 12, 2006, Blogger Andrew said...

Hey Bec. Nice blog. Could you email me dates etc when you arrive in Vancouver. I have the job of organising your living arrangements. Thanks sister. Look forward to having you here.

Blood & Fire!


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