29 January 2006

Two things

So God has been having fun showing me how good He is recently (as if He hasn't done that enough recently!) In the last two days there have been two things.

First of all, with this whole Canada thing, I had been getting in a bit of a lull about it. There comes a time in the waiting where it is just waiting and it's not exciting. And I started thinking a bit more about it and then was just maybe falling into stressing about it a bit more. And so God sent me to go hang out with some of the youth from my division at your annual pool party (great way to kick the year off!). There's not too many people my age that go anymore but I usually go to hang out with some of the younger ones that I have connections with. But there were some 'older' ones with youth group leaders and such. And I just had two conversations with people really encouraging me about going to Canada. From one it was, "You will get to the end of the year and thank God for it." And from the other, "God will bless you for your obedience to Him." And God spoke to me and said, "These are not just things that people are saying, these are from me." So just when I needed it, God stepped in and gave me the encouragment that I needed.

And then the other thing that I have been learning is that life can be really simple. At the moment life just seems to be falling into place really easily. And I realised that it is basically because I am doing what God says. Asking Him about it, listening, and then doing. And hey, I may not always get it right, but there's progress. And life has become so simple. I don't have to worry about anything else. That's all I have to do. And so I realise that this is a greater understanding and reality for me of Matt 6:33 and the rest of the Do Not Worry passage. It really is about, seek God, follow Him, and He takes care of the rest of it. And no, it's not always easy. But it definitely is simple.


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