24 January 2006

Pride comes before a fall

Sometimes I struggle with pride. God is slowly refining me, but sometimes I get frustrated. I want it to happen quicker. Pride ruins things so much. It takes what is simple and beautiful and makes it twisted and complicated and ugly. It makes me think that it is actually about me and not about Him. I think it's all in my strength, and what I'm good at and how smart I am. And sometimes it's even about things that start of good, like things relating to spirituality. But then I notice them and then I want other people to notice them and think that I'm good. And then it ruins everything because it is no longer how it was before. Because it was beautiful because it was natural. Pride gets rid of that. I hate it!

Jesus, please keep refining me. Help me to not step in the way, because that is pride to. Help me to remember that it really is all you and none of it is me. Then I don't have any reason to have pride. I can rejoice in You, but not get caught up in myself. Help me to live this everyday.


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