Washed whiter than snow

So I haven't had internet access for a little while now and I have had so many thoughts during this time. I think some of them are interesting, maybe. So I will try to get them on here. I saw the best snow I have ever seen in my life while I was on holidays. I have seen snow before, in China and in New Zealand. But in New Zealand it was on the slopes that were kinda patchy with ice and then in China it was in the city. This was in the woods, with the drifts from previous days, and then it started snowing while we were there. Having grown up in a wonderfully warm part of the southern hemisphere, snow is not something that I am regularly accustomed to seeing. And so I have heard the term, "washed white as snow," and it has been a nice metaphor, a picture of being clean, and I thought I understood it. I have never understood it properly until this day. If you have never seen a new fall of snow, I don't know if you can. Do you know what new snow looks like? It is so clean, and so pure. It sparkles. And it can cover anything. And it is only after creatures or movement have gotten in there and messed things up that it looks ugly. Unadulterated it has a magic quality to it. And it the silence of the woods as the wind whispers through the trees there is something that captures your heart, picks it up and makes it soar. There is something in there that says, this is of my God. And that is why I love scriptural metaphors, because everytime they are the best description of what they are trying to explain. I look at the snow and think, "My Jesus has washed me clean like that." It's not just clean with no markings, but it is pure and clean and sparkling. And He calls me to live like that. To live as a child of His inheritance with what He has given me. I have been washed clean as snow. There is no more condemnation. I am sparkling and shining in His sight. My Jesus, I do love you!
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