05 June 2006

I am..

So this is my 100th post. Not too bad for only starting in Jan with writing, but not so great as once a day. Ahh, the effects of life at 614 :) But I decided to write this post as a reflection on where I am at the moment. So here it is.

I am...

...still memorising John, it's coming along, slowly but surely.
...getting intrigued with God's ideas of women in church and life.
...feeling a bit sick (might be a sign of working hard).
...becoming more and more interested in learning Greek so that I can read the Bible in the original language.
...slightly tired but still having the time of my life.
...generally feeling very loved.
...having lots of different kinds of chats with people.
...sometimes feeling a bit worn out and needing a dumping ground.
...learning so much from God and about me and just life in general.
...being stretched almost everyday.
...living a crazy life that is never the same and maybe I am slowly getting used to that.
...understanding different perspectives, even when I don't always like them.
...knowing that without a doubt, the safest place in the whole wide world is in God's will.
...wanting to be more and more like Jesus and walk closer and closer with God.
...leading some awesome cells because the people in them are awesome and we have great chats.
...missing home slightly, mostly cos I just miss talking to all those beautiful people.
...developing skills in leadership and I guess management, administration and other related things.
...seeing God open up me, in many great ways.
...falling into the arms of God, because He truly is the only way that I am any good at all.
...leading worship some, even though I really do find it a challenge.
...thinking about preaching but still feeling shy about it.
...deciding that there really aren't enough hours in the day, but more because I want to get more fun in.
...working on a good birthday present.
...gonna go now, cos I think that is enough! :)

Love you all.


At 11:06 pm, June 05, 2006, Blogger M Rodrigues said...

com licença, dona Becs
i found your blog with the grace of God. I´m still reading it i think that you´re very lovely people...if you read portuguese, can take a look in my one:


At 11:06 pm, June 05, 2006, Blogger M Rodrigues said...

com licença, dona Becs
i found your blog with the grace of God. I´m still reading it i think that you´re very lovely people...if you read portuguese, can take a look in my one:


At 12:35 am, June 06, 2006, Blogger Cassie said...

I miss you.

At 6:39 am, June 06, 2006, Blogger Victory of the People said...


i love who you are!

At 2:41 am, June 24, 2006, Blogger Snooty Farkleboob said...

I think its strange that in a lot of ways we are in a very similar place but in totally different situations. I wish I could sit and have a long conversation with you about things so I could get you perspective and understanding.


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