29 March 2006

Two topics

So I haven't blogged about the fullness stuff. I think I can only be bothered to do the short version. The short version is that we went to see a waterfall and you had to climb over a bunch of rocks to get to the best part. And I found out that I am a bit more scared of this stuff than I used to be. But I noticed that walking out towards the view I was really conscious of the waterfall and so was really cautious. But coming back, it was like it didn't matter anymore and I was much more confident. It was kind of like, when you focus on the problem then things are very scary, but if you have right gaze (and in life that is Christ) then things are much simpler. I am continuing to find this, praise the Lord!

And then the second thing to blog about is just randomly of DTES stuff. The other day I asked someone what the weather was like out and they said it was warm. I cheered and then I proceeded to put on jeans and a t-shirt and a jumper and a warm hat. And that was about exactly right. I can't believe that I am cheering that warm means that I am still wearing winter clothes! Oh well, but the weather is getting warming and I am really grateful for that. But the temperature indicator on the street today said that it was 18C but it seems colder than that. So I don't know. And that is in the middle of the day, it gets quite a bit colder at night.


At 11:08 pm, March 29, 2006, Blogger Snooty Farkleboob said...

Yay!! I found enough time away from my two over tired children to finish this blog set up!!

Love ya! Praying for ya! And I'm glad things are doing okay and you're learning heaps. I'm learning heaps from you.


At 12:32 am, March 30, 2006, Blogger Shannon said...

Hey baby, cant let jess show me up. I love you too. Keep up the updates. Shan

At 1:13 am, March 30, 2006, Blogger bec said...

oh wow, oh wow, oh wow!! Yay Jess, you got on. I am so excited! Good to hear from you too. I am praying for you back. Love you heaps! And Shan of course I love you. Oh, and Jess if you have an email address, tell me. I will add you to msn if it's hotmail


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