24 March 2006

A life of simplicity

So my struggle at the moment is living in simplicity with some of the small things. Cos I went to Army & Navy (the discount store that has everything here) and they don't have my shampoo and conditioner. Now I never really thought I was a snob about my hair but it has been something to consider because I will have to walk into the city to get it. And if I am living as the people of my community should I be going out of my community to buy something they wouldn't normally be using. Then they have two choices with washing powder and while the budget stuff is heaps cheaper, I was tempted to buy the other stuff. I ended up buying the cheap stuff because I only had the money for that. But it is still a consideration. And I wonder if I am just being legalistic but I still find myself asking the question. So I'm throwing it out - what do you think? Is it going against simplicity of living to go outside of my neighbourhood for hair products or am I just getting hung up about things that don't matter?


At 8:41 pm, March 24, 2006, Blogger Cassie said...

Well perhaps if you mentioned your address, someone might be kind enough to send you a care pack! You use sunsilk don't you? I understand... shampoo is very important. But I don't know, I guess God will let you know how simple you need to be and I think it would be different for everyone.

At 7:07 pm, March 26, 2006, Blogger bec said...

hehe, I have mentioned my address. It is in the first email I sent. Did you read/get it? If not I will send it to you. I use Schwarzkopft actually, and I am starting to think that I would love to be sent shampoo. Somehow that is weird but true. What type of shampoo do I use? It's like the de-frizzing one.


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