17 March 2006

You know you live in the DTES, Vancouver when...

1) you start to cross the road and realise that you didn't even check the traffic because lights are only marginally worth paying attention to (and I was never a real jay-walker at home!)

2) you are hanging out with some of the guys who are at the food van and then you and your friend decide to go home. So you cross the road, and then you are home.

3) it rains so much that you get used to walking in the rain and sometimes forget to go under shelter even when it is conveniently there.

4) you are standing on the street corner for 5 min and bump into one other person from the community and then get honked by another as they are waiting at the lights. (And then the guy that just walked up to you walks onto the road and jumps in the car!)

hehe, I love it! It's great. Also been working on my struggles with people's expectations of me. Last night got one of my friends to pray for me in regards to this and then went out to continue to work though that. Then when I was going to sleep I realised I still had thoughts bothering me. All of a sudden I realised the attack and told the devil where to stick it. Then I went to sleep and woke up and realised that I was feeling really good about all the expectation stuff and couldn't exactly work out why. Then remembered what I'd done before I went to sleep. So praise the Lord that He wages war for me, even when I sleep!


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