08 March 2006

It's all good!

I was reading in the Big Issue this week about someone's gripe about a couple words and phrases that have currently found their way into common use. Two of these were the word "awesome" and the phrase, "It's all good." In particular, the were frustrated because they believed that the "it's all good" was most frequently used when the situation was quite the opposite, for example, "I've just been made redundant, but it's all good." They felt that this was evidence that we have become a society that constantly glosses over the reality of life and strives only to present an image of success and capability. They felt that "it's all good" was a phrase that epitomised this and was sick and tired of people falsely trying to present an untrue image.

I had to disagree with them though, at least on one count. Because there are times when this are difficult that I will say, "It's all good." However this is not a denial of the situation, rather it is a statement of faith. While things may not be great, it will be all God because there. When this is the case, "it's all good" becomes not a feigned ignorance or blindness but a trust in a God who does work all things for our good. So I can say "it's all good," because, really, it is!


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