27 December 2006

And so this is Christmas...

Hearing this song at Christmas has always caused me to review the year that has been and compare my current position with where I was at the same time last year. Usually I hope to see some kind of change or growth and any number of other incidentals.

But this year there is certainly a lot to say. When I compare my perspective of this year with my expectations of this year, I am blown away. Let me fill out the picture:

If you had asked me last year where I would be in a year's time
I would have replied: preparing for training college.

If you had asked me about my feelings of the coming year
I would have replied: (if I was honest) that I was scared that I would end up resenting the year and that it would not have any meaning.

If you had asked me what my plans for the coming year were
I would have replied: nothing definite.

If you had asked me about what my hopes were for the coming year
I would have replied: that I would find purpose in the year and that it would have meaning.

As I look back on the year that has been I see so many things:
I moved to Canada and have lived in a house with 15+ people for over 9 months
I have worked intentionally as a missionary to native families of inner city Vancouver
I have fallen in love and am still in love with that same person
I have had jobs at Starbucks and two Army jobs that I still hold
I have had the privilege of leading my cell group (which I love)
I have the opportunity to mentor a number of different people
I have personally led 2 people to decisions for Christ
I have met sooo many people this year and made so many new friends
I have grown so much in my understanding of God and His Word
I have developed as a person and learnt more about me

The list may not even be comprehensive but it's a pretty good start. Praise God that He is the God of far more than we could ever dream or imagine. Once again I find truth in Romans 8:28, a verse that seems to follow my life: For we know that God works in all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to His purpose.

Praise the Lord


At 11:18 pm, December 31, 2006, Blogger Victory of the People said...

praise the Lord for he is good!

bless you becs



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