10 August 2006

I live for His glory

Had a really interesting revelation about this tonight. This is something that I think I have said, or at least I have said, "I want to live for His glory." I even sign part of my emails, "for His glory."

I think the comment is all backwards. See, I live for His glory, would mean I want the things that I do to bring glory to God. But that means that it is about me, I what I want to do. But I think the statement should be flipped. It should be "For His glory, I live." Because then it becomes about God. And the point becomes, it is for God's glory that I exist at all. That is, God gets to use me for His glory. This means that it's not about what I am doing, or what I desire or anything about me. It is about God being able to use me to do whatever He wants, to bring Him glory.

It's kind of scary, because I get no say. But it can't be anything less. First of all, God is God and He is sovereign. But second of all, my salvation has nothing to do with me but everything to do with Him. Therefore this life that I have is not my own anyway. So therefore God has every claim on my life to be able to say, "I will use you in whatever way that I want so that my glory can be promoted."


At 12:51 am, August 12, 2006, Blogger Cassie said...

It's good, I like the things God has taught you.

At 11:30 pm, August 17, 2006, Blogger Snooty Farkleboob said...

Your existence brings glory to God. Being used by God is secondary. I can't explain myself, I've been trying for an hour. You are a part of God's infinite heart, an expression of who He, by simply fulfilling that He is glorified because people are looking into His heart. You resonate His beauty.

At 9:32 pm, August 19, 2006, Blogger bec said...

Yeah, but I guess I am tapping into something else. I guess it's my question to, "Why am I here?" and "What am I doing?" In the end, if I am here for God's glory, it means that whatever He wants to do to bring about His glory is ok. It means that I don't get to complain if the part is great or small, easy or hard, it is His will and His deciding. Because in the end, I gave my life to Him, and so my life is His, to be used by Him, however He likes, for His glory.

At 12:13 am, August 31, 2006, Blogger Personal Reflections said...

You are a stickler for correct subject/object relationship between worshiper and God. Good, God likes that. To bad modern worship songs don't also follow the God-as-subject grammer. If you haven't noticed before how some worship songs are backwards like that, you may begin to see the fallacy now.

At 9:26 am, September 01, 2006, Blogger bec said...

Yeah, this I know. Apparently if you go to any collection of modern day worship songs, the letter that has the greatest amount of songs under it is "I". That is, we are constantly singing songs that are all about what I do or what I say. Heard someone comment that we sing, "it's not about me," and yet really it's a load of rubbish. We constantly want to know how it applies to me, we even incorrectly interpret Scripture as such. Maybe when we finally get the point we will see the difference.


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