03 August 2006

Lesson from Halo

I am not the world's hugest computer fans (contrary to what some people I know might say!). Particularly I have never been a huge fan of any of the player against player shooting kinds of games, like Halo. But recently, because of its benefits in social interaction I have been playing Halo (who ever thought that guys played computer games to facilitate socialising together, I thought they were just being anti-social). And I'm getting kind of good at it too.

But here's the thing. When I started playing Halo I sucked! Like really sucked, I couldn't gain perspective I couldn't coordinate my movement and my looking around, I kept on getting lost on the screen and in any close combat situation I was stuffed. And I would say it as well and generally be disparaging about my Halo abilities or lack thereof. But I was called on this self depreciation and told that I should see that I was getting better and start focusing on how I was improving instead of always finding the worst in the situation. And i t worked. I stopped getting down on myself and started realising that I was improving and I now enjoy the game a lot more (even if sometimes I still need to be corrected for the occassional denegration).

And I have recently realised that this kind of perspective has far wider applications than just playing Halo. See I have a tendency to put myself down quite a bit about the things that I do. I am incredibly critical of anything that I do and I find it far easier to see all of the short comings in what I did rather than seeing the things that I did well. But I wonder if some of that is simply because I am so used to making the negative comments and saying them to myself. And so I'm going to try to start looking at assessing things and finding the good and not always putting myself down. Because I know when I am made to sit and look objectively at something that I have done then I will regularly admit that there were good parts to it. I think I just have to start finding those more, make it a practice and stop seeing myself so negatively. I think there is a real choice element to this, because it is not impossible for me to see the good in myself; when made to do it, or when I am getting defensive, I can list off things that I am good at. So I think that I need to retrain my thinking. It's going to take quite a bit of practice, but we'll see how we go.


At 7:52 am, August 04, 2006, Blogger Denise said...

You can come to Bangor and play Halo, they love it here. I've played once and gave up...my perspective is way off and it was too frustrating for me not to be good!!! ha.

Good words, Becs.
Bless you as you begin your assessment.

At 4:10 pm, August 04, 2006, Blogger Shannon said...

Hey Bec, unrelated comment. I just had a dream that I came to visit you and you showed me all where you live and it was really cool but I think some details were haywire cuz then we went to the beach down the road and I dont think Canada has beaches.

At 2:00 am, August 06, 2006, Blogger Cassie said...

I like the sims, but I don't have time to play it. I like to do the car racing games at the arcades coz I can drive and Antony can't, so I win... although he is pretty good.

At 12:58 am, August 08, 2006, Blogger bec said...

wow, who would have thought that halo would get so many comments. I will have to write more lessons from Halo


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