08 August 2006

Lessons from Halo Part 2

Given the far larger than usual response to my first Halo blog, I thought I would add a second. This one has also come to light in the past few days, and once again, it has its beginnings in the game of Halo.

As briefly referred to in the previous entry, one of my shortcomings in the game of Halo is that I have sucked at close combat. What actually happens is that I become so agitated that I just freeze or can't control what I am doing and get killed very easily. It actually took a whole game of Stephen practising close combat with me to start to get it. Now, I am not great, but a lot better at it, and sometimes I even come out of these situations as the victor.

I also noticed this phenomenon while participating in slingshot paintball (a fine game if ever there is one) on a camp I recently shared leadership of. I found that when my combatant was close at hand I would fumble and falter and not be able to shoot properly or reload my slingshot.

And here's where it applies to me. I am not great at close combat situations. If I feel that I am being personally threatened or unexpectedly attacked then I become very agitated and my mind often retreats for a holiday (somewhere in the depths of darkest Africa, I assume) and I am devoid of the ability to maintain intelligent arguments. What is more frustrating is that upon removal from this situation and the opportunity to process with more clarity I can formulate all manner of appropriate and worthy arguments. And it is not just that I am now finding the justifications, it's just that my mind started working. So I need to get more practice at this to. I need to be able to think on my feet and give the answers for the reasons that I know I am right when I am actually right. That's a tough one too. But I'm giving it a shot.


At 11:26 am, August 10, 2006, Blogger bec said...

yep, there sure are! but sometimes the long term benefits are worth it

At 1:27 am, August 11, 2006, Blogger Shannon said...

Dude I hope you know you are a nerd. We always knew that. Anyone who parallels life with computer games is right up there with those who dress up as Luke Skywalker for the movies.

At 2:32 pm, August 11, 2006, Blogger bec said...

LOL!!!! Thanks for your support guys, it's nice to know that I am loved. :P


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