21 February 2006


Believe it or not, I am actually not bad at listening to people. For those that know me, that might be a surprise. For those that know me better, it probably isn't! But I learned a bit more today about listening. I have often said that you get so much from people when you just listen to their stories. You listen and they feel like you care and then they trust you. It's kind of cool. But I learnt how much I can learn from listening today. Because today someone asked me about how much longer I was staying at college (visiting) and then we started talking about college (they are a second year cadet). And they started to tell their story. And I listened, because that is what you do, and sometimes people need to tell there story. But then I got so much out of it because they ended up talking to about what I'm doing and how it's going to work and encouraging me. And I heard things that I probably wasnn't in a place to hear and it was just a really great experience. I and so I learnt that I should listen to people, not just always for their benefit, but because, heaven forbid (!) I might actually learn something from them as well! I also learnt again that God's timing is absolutely perfect. Even in something as apparently mundane as a simple conversation. Oh, and a "praise God" today - my internet worked for a whole day! Wow, the things that you so easily take for granted. Thank you Jesus!


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