25 April 2006

A Fantastic Day

Today has really been a fantastic day. It started with getting my rations done, which is always a good way to start the day. Then I had good conversations and was asked to go to go out for pancakes for lunchfest (revitalising HC terminology - if you don't know, ask). So in celebration of spring (it was around 20C today) I wore a skirt and got slightly dressed up and put on a little make-up and felt pretty. (Another great thing about simple living, even dressing up is better because you do it so irregularly, so even things that you used to wear all the time are dressing up - it is fun.) And I had crepes filled with dark chocolate and hazelnuts and lots of cream. It was so bad but so good. Then I came home and had to go to a meeting for some funding we are hoping to get. It was a great meeting that I think really demonstrated how much we all love what we do and are committed to what we do and how we do a fantastic job. It's always good when your consultant finishes with, "Could I be involved with 614?" To which we replied with a resounding "Yes!" On the way home from the meeting had the opportunity to address an issue that I had needed guidance with and felt affirmed in my original assessment of the situation and it looks like it will be a really good outcome. Came home and led cell for the first time which I was a little anxious about because we have been struggling in cell and God had really told me that I had to address it at that cell. But it was really well received and then God really brought break-through and it lead to an awesome cell. And then I had accountability with Roro, which really just fed off a great cell and was good sharing and praying for each other too. And then just hung out with the people in my house and started doing some reading about the gospel of John. All in all it ended up with me feeling like I love living in my community so much!

Oh, and I have officially become a member of the DTES community becaues I have my first bed bug bites (I never realised that these things actually existed until I came here, I thought they were just a myth, like a bunyip or something!)

And God is really challenging me at the moment with living up to my potential and not being scared to be who He has called me to be. It can be a bit hard and is definitely scary, but still great. Praise the Lord! God is good. I am so blessed.


At 12:00 am, April 26, 2006, Blogger Cassie said...

Woah Bec, that's pretty trippy. Bed bugs exist? Oh no, that's awful! By the way, congrats with your persistence in learning John... I'd be getting frustrated by now. And it's good to see that in my absence, you're still getting your fix of unhealthy, scrumptous food!!! Mmm, chocolate (speaking of which, I haven't had a good dose in just way too long coz we're poor! :(


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