16 April 2006

Things that suck

So do you know something that sucks, I have recently noticed in my life that there aren't really any physical things that I'm doing wrong. What sucks about it is that it's easy to slip into a trap of thinking that you are doing ok. But really what happens is that the battle slips into my mind. It's my thoughts, and my intentions, it's how I treat people and what I am willing to give. No one knows what goes on in your mind. Unless you share it, this is what I am trying to do. I almost hate that they can't see it either because sometimes they start thinking that you are doing ok too and they treat you like that. It's still a process.


At 10:31 pm, April 18, 2006, Blogger Snooty Farkleboob said...

Blah. Yes. My same stupid problem. And when I try to stay humble by telling people that I told my husband he was an idiot and my children they were annoying this morning, people think my honesty is great. Hello pride, again. Because its not like the good things in my life and heart were put there by God and have nothing to do with me. Its not like everything I say that makes any sense comes directly from Gods wisdom, not mine. I will finish my rant about my stupid arrogance now. Be encouraged that you allow God to keep you convicted and accountable, you will be on your knees before God re-learning humility, morning and night, until the day you die and are totally restored.


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