11 April 2006

Urban Missionary

This is the term that Pastor James uses to describe himself. It's the words that we put on the t-shirts that we used for RAW. I have worn this t-shirt. I've even had the term urban missionary used to describe me. I am only just beginning to realise that it is true. I never thought I would be a missionary. I never thought I was called to other countries. But here are some things that I am discovering: I am a student of culture; I love learning different and new ways that people do things and connecting in with them and joining my life with theirs, I am passionate about seeing people won for Jesus and being a part of that and helping other people to be a part of that (I am discovering that I think I'm not bad at recruitment), I live with people that are not from originally my 'own' people and I live with them as they live, I use my existing skills and abilities to support myself and also get me into the areas that I wish to minister. I think that these things actually do make me a missionary. I just never thought it before. I always thought that missionaries were special people - I am not special (in the ultra spiritual, above everyone else kind of way), I am just me. But I am beginning to recognise that it is not who we are that makes us who we are but who God is. And our position is not what we've done to get there, but what God has given us. So I am learning. In me, I am no one, at all. But in God, there are some things that I am learning that I am. I am an urban missionary, and really the world is my mission field, though right now it is specifically East Vancouver. I am a fighting warrior, selected and equipped by my God to courageously wage war against those who would squash His will and to bring others under His will. I am a pastor, called to reach out and see the hurting and suffering, to carry their burdens, to walk alongside of them, to know them when others don't want to. I am an ambassador, to go from the front lines to those who haven't quite yet realised they need to be there to, to reach in, find them and bring them to where they should be. And while I am these things I am learning to be them all the more. And always learning, that with me, it is all nothing, with Him it is everything.


At 2:11 pm, April 11, 2006, Blogger Oren Weizman said...

Great Blog !!!


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