06 April 2006

Simple pleasures

It is cool and funny how being here changes your perspectives on things. One of my favourite things this week was that I went and bought some new socks. I love funky socks and many of my old ones are getting holes in them because I bought them all at the same time so they are all wearing out. So we were at Metrotown and we saw these cool socks, and so now I have four new pair, one with smilies, one with monkeys, one with green stripes (pictured) and one with white, pink, orange and maybe yellow stripes. And they very much did bring me joy. And I find that there are so many simple things that I rejoice in these days. The fact that there is a culture of saying "praise the Lord" about many things here helps. It reminds you who really should be given the credit. So praise the Lord of the joy of new socks!

And now my joy will be complete when I finally know that all my socks are safe and sound sitting in my cupboard!!!


At 9:50 pm, April 06, 2006, Blogger Cassie said...

That's so crazy... LOL, the best bit of my last week was buying a Cherry Ripe with Antony after debating! Yay for simplicity! And poordom!!! No, not a word... yet!


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