musings from my heart
12 September 2006
10 September 2006
I am frustrated
I get frustrated when things don't turn out the way I think they should.I get frustrated when I don't understand why the outcome is unexpected.
I get frustrated when I feel I can't communicate what I want to say.
That is about all for now.
07 September 2006
I moved house today!
Well not really, just into another room. One of my good friends here just moved in there so we decided that it would be fun to room together. (Check out my photo blog for pictures!) But it was funny because all it really took was a transfer of clothes, moving a couple of boxes and subsequent cleaning. Other than that, there wasn't much more. I was kind of happy with how little stuff I have. Once more do I appreciate the benefits of simple living.06 September 2006
God's Provision
So if you didn't know, I finished working at X-Culture just over 2 weeks ago. I was really glad to finish too. But since then it has been my task to get a new job. Now I have applied for a counselling position with The Salvation Army, but I don't get to interview for that until after the 19th Sept. So there are weeks in between finishing at X-Culture and a potential start date with TSA. And I have been supposed to get my resume out, but I have not, basically because I have been slack. And I was worried that I wouldn't get a job.So yesterday I went and handed out resumes to people. And by the afternoon I had two job offers, not just interviews but actual 'you have the job if you want it' job offers. I trialed for one today, but I am going to take the other one instead (I will be working at Starbucks, learning how to make coffee - actually a useful life skill I think - even though I don't actually like or drink coffee).
And it kind of just blew me away, because I had been really slack, and had not done anything about getting a job when I should have. And yet God totally provided, just when I needed Him to, even though I really feel like I didn't deserve it. Once again, praise God for His grace, and for the way in which he continues to blow me away with who He is.
01 September 2006
So I know I haven't posted in a while. Thought I'd put in a quick update. Feeling a bit challenged at the moment. I think it's a mixture of picking up on the strain that exists here as people move through the transition phase of graduatind and incoming War College students. Also doing more of understanding me and growing in what God is teaching me. It continues to be a stretch and sometimes feels overwhelming as I become certain that I am not up to this challenge. Maybe that's the point. This is impossible without reliance on God. His strength must always be my strength.Going for all sorts of jobs at the moment, so please pray for favour in that. Particularly, there is a counselling job that I have applied for that I would love to get and then it would be good to get an interim job while I am waiting for the Human Resources manager to come back.
love you all