27 December 2006

And so this is Christmas...

Hearing this song at Christmas has always caused me to review the year that has been and compare my current position with where I was at the same time last year. Usually I hope to see some kind of change or growth and any number of other incidentals.

But this year there is certainly a lot to say. When I compare my perspective of this year with my expectations of this year, I am blown away. Let me fill out the picture:

If you had asked me last year where I would be in a year's time
I would have replied: preparing for training college.

If you had asked me about my feelings of the coming year
I would have replied: (if I was honest) that I was scared that I would end up resenting the year and that it would not have any meaning.

If you had asked me what my plans for the coming year were
I would have replied: nothing definite.

If you had asked me about what my hopes were for the coming year
I would have replied: that I would find purpose in the year and that it would have meaning.

As I look back on the year that has been I see so many things:
I moved to Canada and have lived in a house with 15+ people for over 9 months
I have worked intentionally as a missionary to native families of inner city Vancouver
I have fallen in love and am still in love with that same person
I have had jobs at Starbucks and two Army jobs that I still hold
I have had the privilege of leading my cell group (which I love)
I have the opportunity to mentor a number of different people
I have personally led 2 people to decisions for Christ
I have met sooo many people this year and made so many new friends
I have grown so much in my understanding of God and His Word
I have developed as a person and learnt more about me

The list may not even be comprehensive but it's a pretty good start. Praise God that He is the God of far more than we could ever dream or imagine. Once again I find truth in Romans 8:28, a verse that seems to follow my life: For we know that God works in all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to His purpose.

Praise the Lord

18 December 2006

Why Don't I Update?

The answer to that question is, "I'm not really sure." I used to have so much to write about when life was not so busy, not that it is busier there never seems to be anything worth writing. Maybe that is because when life is less busy the simple things are more significant. Hmmm, that's an interesting thought.

But here's what I do with myself:

Work at Kate Booth happens on the weekends. After a whole month of not having any women we are now very close to full. It means that it is busy and we are still working out how to operate the new place that we have. It is absolutely gorgeous, better than some hotels that you could stay at.

I have really enjoyed catching up with my cousin recently. It's like having a bit of home here. We are catching up for Christmas Eve, which is nice too, because for me, Christmas has always been associated with family.

I am thinking about applying for another job, would mean that I would probably only have that one and then be working full-time and have consistent hours. That would be kind of cool and would also mean that I could finally apply for my work visa.

Life for me is weird, I seem to spend so much of my energy sorting out me. Most times I wish it would stop and that things would be fine. I hate feeling like you might have just finally got yourself somewhat sorted and then feel like you are starting all over again. I guess it is God doing work in my life, but sometimes it just feels like frustration and pain.

I lead a cell, it rocks. It's a bit quiet for this Christmas season though. But we do have some good times.

Sometimes I think I should be doing more. Sometimes I want to be doing more, but I don't know how to fit it in. Sometimes I wonder if I have lost my ability to dream. Sometimes I wish that I could go home. Sometimes I think that I am supposed to stay here. Sometimes I wish that life would stop changing and there could be just one thing in my life that might stay the same.

I guess that's kind of me at the moment.

11 December 2006

No Idea

So I was demanded to update, but I have no idea what to write about - hence the previous lack of update.

Currently in a bad mood.
We started on our community entertainment room last night which is going to be cool.
I have had the startings of a cold and feeling sick for about 5 days now - not impressed.
There are finally women at my work, and this is a good thing.
I enjoy my work.
I am keeping around 32 hours a week of work, which I appreciate.
I can't get my paypal account to work, this annoys me.
I missed calling my dad for his birthday and still haven't done so because of the above reason. (Sorry dad)
I am in a bad mood.

Hope that satisfies.