A lot of thoughts today
Hmm, so it is late, so I don't know if I'm going to remember to get all of this down. So I will try. Thus, ends two whole days of me being able to say that it was a really good day. I think it comes from being busy. I am still not getting all my rations and stuff in, which is not good and is definitely about a discipline thing and it is my issue but I am talking to someone about getting involved in an accountability relationship with them, so that is good. But yesterday I was busy because I went down to Cross Culture and helped out Pastor James and I drove for the first time on the other side of the road. It is really weird and I have to think every time that I turn a corner, but it is still cool. And so I did stuff for Pastor James and it is funny, because if it had been a day at yos I would have come home and said that I did not much, but it was so nice to do something. Even if it was just doing work on a display panel that I will probably completely scrap anyway. But that's ok. I did something. And then today I went to visit a friend. I think I can now definitely call her a friend because I have hung out with her twice. We met the first time both of us went to Cross Culture for Saturday night drop-in and then she gave me her number. She is married with two daughters and somehow is just a kindred spirit. I think that if she lived in Aus and I knew her, she and my two married friend and I would all hang out together and playgroup at my house would be absolutely huge!! (check the photo blog if you don't understand the reference) So it was great to hang out with her and fun to be here and talking about kids and families and parenting and God and how it all fits in. And it was almost like God gave me that friendship that I so appreciated here. And it is also a huge blessing because the timing is perfect in my life and also in hers as well and she is about an hour away by bus, which is close enough to be able to travel to and long enough away to feel like you left for a bit. It is nice to have an outside of community connection just to get out of my world momentarily. And nice to hang out with someone who is pretty sure in themselves and not hung up about unimportant things. Also awesome that she has offered her house if I ever need a retreat. Praise the Lord for His provision and for friends to share the journey with. I think that I might even end up going rock climbing with her. That would be really cool. Oh and Jess, she wants to home school, so she really is a kindred spirit. I think you and her would get along well too. She has a lot of the no nonsense attitude and shares your stance on kids and discipline. I think I will really value her. So I also learnt that I love learning from people in this community. I must continue to remind myself that they do have so much to give me and I must be willing to receive that. Like today this guy on the bus was just so cool and I think really shared his joy with so many of the passengers on the bus. But one thing that he shared that made me think was that the area we were in had big houses but small churches. It was kind of a sad statement to have said of your neighbourhood, but I think true in many cases. Oh and another thing I learnt. I get by with a little help from my friends. Going to visit today was so easy because I got lots help from people. The original directions I got were great but I asked my house mates about catching the bus and then someone when I had to change buses. And it was just so easy. It reminds me of a quote I read on a blog a while ago, "If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." I think it is an African proverb. And another appreciation from tonight is that after knee drill (prayer meeting) we went to Tinseltown (local shopping mall with cinemas) and decided we would hang out there until it was so late that they kicked us out. We all eventually got so tired that we weren't sure if we were going to make it. But we did and it was really cool. But we were hanging out and I think one of the reasons that we do it is because we have such good conversations. There is a group of us that kind of hang out a bit for doing this (usually there is me Xander and Olivia, with some tag alongs) and we appreciate each others company. And while we do fun things, it usually also ends up in conversations of significance. And tonight we did listening prayer for each other (lots of mental imagery stuff, imagining Jesus and talking to Him and places and stuff) and in turn we brought each other to Jesus to get a word for each other. Apart from the fact that this is always encouraging it is so fun to hear the words come out and to hear the confirmation for each other. My favourite one was for Xander as we all got words that God was preparing Him for battle and training Him and giving Him strategy and stuff. It was really cool! And I was just thinking about how many of these conversations that I would have in a year, but here I have them at least once a week with this group and then I have so many more of them with other people. It is so cool. I think that is part of the intenseness. The climate of spiritual awareness is huge and, somehow, it is like that we really do live in a war zone. Somehow it is so easy to remember here that you are in a war. So often at home I found it hard to remember. Somehow it is in your face here. I think it has to do with the community, but also the people I live with and the way they talk and the way that they live their lives. I really love it. God is so good!!
Two topics
So I haven't blogged about the fullness stuff. I think I can only be bothered to do the short version. The short version is that we went to see a waterfall and you had to climb over a bunch of rocks to get to the best part. And I found out that I am a bit more scared of this stuff than I used to be. But I noticed that walking out towards the view I was really conscious of the waterfall and so was really cautious. But coming back, it was like it didn't matter anymore and I was much more confident. It was kind of like, when you focus on the problem then things are very scary, but if you have right gaze (and in life that is Christ) then things are much simpler. I am continuing to find this, praise the Lord!And then the second thing to blog about is just randomly of DTES stuff. The other day I asked someone what the weather was like out and they said it was warm. I cheered and then I proceeded to put on jeans and a t-shirt and a jumper and a warm hat. And that was about exactly right. I can't believe that I am cheering that warm means that I am still wearing winter clothes! Oh well, but the weather is getting warming and I am really grateful for that. But the temperature indicator on the street today said that it was 18C but it seems colder than that. So I don't know. And that is in the middle of the day, it gets quite a bit colder at night.
My weekend of Fullness
So we had a prayer and fasting retreat this weekend called Fullness, and not so much because of the irony of the statement, but because that is what we were searching for, more fullness in God. It was led by Major Janet Munn, an amazing woman of God and a very powerful speaker. Real, but very connected and in touch with God. It was good. God is doing some really amazing things in my heart. One person said that it is like I am going through what the War College students went through in the first few months in a condensed version, but I don't really think it's so much that as part of where God has me at the moment. It really all probably started about last September, and God has been doing His work ever since. So it has been a great weekend, continuing to grow in my love and dependence on God and just delighting in Him. I had more opportunities to dance in worship and it is cool to see how it frees other people to express in worship too and then also that it can minister to them too. I also had some good opportunities for healing and opening up more to God and also people around me. I was commended this weekend for my courage and openess which I think would be one of the few times that has happened. But I was being open and we continued along a process that has been started. It was good and it will continue. Hmm, had an observation that I thought I would share, but socialising is happening, so I will let you know later!
A life of simplicity
So my struggle at the moment is living in simplicity with some of the small things. Cos I went to Army & Navy (the discount store that has everything here) and they don't have my shampoo and conditioner. Now I never really thought I was a snob about my hair but it has been something to consider because I will have to walk into the city to get it. And if I am living as the people of my community should I be going out of my community to buy something they wouldn't normally be using. Then they have two choices with washing powder and while the budget stuff is heaps cheaper, I was tempted to buy the other stuff. I ended up buying the cheap stuff because I only had the money for that. But it is still a consideration. And I wonder if I am just being legalistic but I still find myself asking the question. So I'm throwing it out - what do you think? Is it going against simplicity of living to go outside of my neighbourhood for hair products or am I just getting hung up about things that don't matter?
New Photos
Well it has been ages since I posted photos that I have taken on a blog but I decided to start doing it again. Apparently my first photo blog "I've been to cities that never close down..." is up and running and you can link to it on the side. I might eventually get around to finishing off blogging the photos from Rome. But for now, this will do.
1 week in Vancouver
So I have been here over 1 week in Vancouver now, 8 days actually. It's funny because Australia seems so far away and almost like it is a place that I don't know. Which is weird, because then I will talk about how much I love it and how it is the best place in the world. And then I feel like I have been here for ages sometimes but then at others will feel very new and not at all sure of things. So it is interesting. But I was reading people's blogs and it got me pondering so I thought I would reflect a bit on the week's experience. I think this will be a bit random and all over the place. I guess more than anything I would have to say that this week has not been anything if not full! So here are some thoughts:I love this place. It excites me and I love being here. Sometimes I think the hardest thing for me to do after this would be to go back to middle class surburbia and try and exist there. At the moment I just don't know how I could do it. In wanting to be an officer, this sometimes worries me because I wonder what I will do if I get an appointment to a corps in such an area. Sometimes it almost feels like I could serve God better if I wasn't an officer. But it still doesn't negate the call that I feel. So what do I do about that? I have also learnt that I really valued the culture of relationships that I had at home. First of all, I knew people, somehow there is something really significant in that. It's just a pleasure that I have really taken for granted. I have always enjoyed meeting new people, but there is a huge difference between meeting one new person and getting to know a whole community of new people. But relationships are building and God is providing in amazing ways. I am so blessed by what He is doing here. It is so totally amazing. But I have learnt that I appreciated the honesty of relationships that I had at home, and the lack of pettiness and that people said what they thought and if they needed to talk to you, they did. I guess one of the shocks I have had is finding out that this kind of thing is not always something that you can expect across the board. I guess it has meant that I have been even more grateful for finding it when it has existed. I have also been experiencing lessons in my struggles with people's expectations. I have trouble dealing with people's expectations and I think I am pretty quick at picking them up. Sometimes I wonder if I even create them. But I have been learning more how to go beyond that. God continues to teach me that actually, it is His opinion that matters the most. In fact, it's not even my opinion of myself that matters, but His. And so when I feel like stuff is placed upon me I need to go to Him and find my assurance and security at Him. And so He is continuing to strengthen me in this area. Funny that I would think that this is one of my bigger areas of weakness and it was the first one that has come under attack from satan while I have been here. But I am living in victory over it. I am also learning more about how much I love God being in control of my life. You know how you say things, and then there are the times when you really mean it. I am sure I have said so many times, God I want you to take control of my life. I don't know how many times I've actually meant it though, because I have consistenly attempted to take back control on more than one occassion. But at the moment, my honest feeling is, God I don't want control of my life at all. You are doing such a good job and it is so much fun that I love it so much. Please remind me when I forget, that I really don't want control. And I don't, I really don't. I don't know if I have ever been in this position in my life before. I have told God He could have control, or "let" Him have control, but right now, I don't want control. I really, really don't. It's kind of cool.And why would I want control. At the moment things just keep on falling into place in ways that I can't imagine. Every piece of timing is perfect. I was feeling slightly frustrated with community, and God brough along a friend that is outside of community and I think will be a valuable friend to have. I was feeling at a loss of what I am supposed to be doing here, and God has provided. Guess what I think I am going to be doing here? Yep, youth work! Hehe. I met a guy yesterday (Saturday) called Pastor James Lee. He is partnering with 614 and doing stuff to reach kids, youth and family in our disadvantaged neighbourhood. And he is doing a great job but doesn't have enough time to do it all and has been praying for someone with youth work skills to come along. And I went out to check it out yesterday and I happened to tell him this and now things are swinging into action. Bascially he has said that he wants me to be an expert on the demographics and picture our community in the next month. I am meeting with him tomorrow to start to get a picture and to get some research and other things. And he also needs someone with administrative abilities, particularly with the computer, and that I am good at too. And so God has provided perfectly. And so I am really excited about getting a job, so that I can be a youth worker. Strange way to put it, hey? But I feel really excited about being able to give back this gift of what i have been trained to be. But then Pastor Lee also mentioned the idea of being able to find a way to pay me for 10 hours a week or something. At present I can't work as a youth worker unless I get a medical clearance, but I can volunteer. So I may be able to get paid for the other stuff that I do. But even if I don't it is cool. And I guess it opens up opportunities with funding proposals and the like, and may even open up the way for me if I am to stay here for longer. Like I could end up running a lot of this stuff. He wants to do a drop-in and all these other things. And I have experience in all of it. So God is good and there are many great things going on. It is incredibly amazing.So it has been a week of up and downs. I realise that I probably write here most of the good stuff and don't really write a huge amount of the bad. I am trying to get better at that. But I really feel like life is good. God is just providing amazingly and I know that He has His hand on it and I am being just so totally blown away. It is literally like, "Bec, don't do anything." And then He just makes it fall into my lap. I am overwhelmed. It's huge lessons in grace, cos I just don't deserve it. I really feel like I should be doing something to make it happen or to work it. But it feels like that is the point. God doesn't want me to do that. I need to learn just how to trust Him and let Him do it all. Wow, I am reminded once again that this is actually my lesson for the year. I think maybe I am finally getting it. I was worried that this would be a tough and hard lesson to learn, and there are parts of it that are. But really those are the bits that come from we when I am not totally depending on God. Whenever I am, it is this great and fantastic thing! So that's me, it's pretty long. Well done if you got through it all!
I little bit of home sickness
So it had to kick in sometime, hey? But right now, what am really missing is conversations with people who really know me, who know the story, know the details, don't need the explanations and don't need the translations (even though I really am still speaking English!). There is kind of nothing like talking to people that you have spent years with. So I guess that is what I am realising. So to all the people that I have known forever, I love you lots and even for the guys that I have known for a couple of years, you are very special too. And to all my new friends, I appreciate you guys too and I love being here. I look forward to getting to know you better. I guess just right now I just miss home and a great long conversation with someone who really knows me just as I am. It's good to be reminded of it in some ways.
You know you live in the DTES, Vancouver when...
1) you start to cross the road and realise that you didn't even check the traffic because lights are only marginally worth paying attention to (and I was never a real jay-walker at home!)2) you are hanging out with some of the guys who are at the food van and then you and your friend decide to go home. So you cross the road, and then you are home. 3) it rains so much that you get used to walking in the rain and sometimes forget to go under shelter even when it is conveniently there.4) you are standing on the street corner for 5 min and bump into one other person from the community and then get honked by another as they are waiting at the lights. (And then the guy that just walked up to you walks onto the road and jumps in the car!)hehe, I love it! It's great. Also been working on my struggles with people's expectations of me. Last night got one of my friends to pray for me in regards to this and then went out to continue to work though that. Then when I was going to sleep I realised I still had thoughts bothering me. All of a sudden I realised the attack and told the devil where to stick it. Then I went to sleep and woke up and realised that I was feeling really good about all the expectation stuff and couldn't exactly work out why. Then remembered what I'd done before I went to sleep. So praise the Lord that He wages war for me, even when I sleep!
Life here...
So ppl here, what can I say about them? Love it here, why, for a couple of reasons. Here are the first three that stand out: 1) There is a really cool spirit of encouragement here. It's like you can't really do anything without people noticing and encouraging and saying thank you. It's cool. So even if you have to do the same menial task over and over (like sweeping the carpeted floor with a broom and then vacuuming up the dusk with the barely working vacuum cleaner and picking up the left overs - I think I have done this three times now!) it somehow makes it that you can do it again because people do appreciate it, which is cool.2) These guys can worship! It's mad!! Like normally to get a good pumped up crowd you need a lot of people, but here, we have about 50 or so and it just kicks. But it's because people enter in and actually worship and it's not a show and it's not about other people. And they dance!!!! And there might even be equal numbers of girls and guys and it is so releasing for me because I don't feel like I am a distraction, I am just adding to what is already there. So the worship is cool. 3) And then there is the invisibility. These guys are here at something that is professedly a "cool" thing to do and so it might be easy to roll your eyes at the way people just get caught up in the latest "fad". But these guys are real and they mean what they say and they follow it up with action. They also put in the hard yards and go it when things are tough. We have people sleeping at RAW, just so that all the shifts in the War Room (which has been moved here) can be covered. And though it's not bad to sleep here it's not great. And then although I said three, I would also add community. There is an awesome sense of community amongst the guys in the War College and then also into the DTES community. And they have welcomed me with open arms in a way that I could never have imagined and I am already claimed as one of them. And the amazing thing is that I brought some of my dance stuff, just in case I got the chance to dance sometime during the year. But I am dancing tonight. I have been here three days and they asked me tonight. And I am so blessed by it. But my biggest blessing so far came unexpectedly this afternoon. I actually went upstairs to find out whether one of our guys had gotten lunch because he has been doing heaps of computer work. Then one of our guys here, Xander (he is actually an Aussie!! woohoo, go the ex-pats!), just randomly asked me if I had a gift of prophecy. I answered, something like, "I think." And then he decided to pray over me about and got a couple of the girls around to join in as well and then God just kind of turned up (Xander is telling me that God was already there, which He always is, but he was particularly, and that is why he asked). It was very cool. Cos we weren't in the middle of the church or anything, it was just there and it just happened. And these guys started speaking these words over me and ended up anointing me and so many things that I had been feeling were confirmed like prophecy in dancing; dancing on injustice; ready to leave at a moments notice no matter the constraints of family, situations, whatever; incendiary; starting fires; invisibility. And then there were words of deep wells and big fires. And then I just got up and danced. And dancing is the best. Well at least for me. I can never explain it to anyone, exactly what it is like. It is just something that allows me to connect with God in a way like nothing else and it is a language that I speak that makes more sense to me than any other. So I did and then people were encouraged and they said so to me. And it just blows you away and maybe God is opening up more of what I am to do here. I don't really know what it is, but it has to do with dancing somehow. So that is cool and I continue to be so excited about being here and God is so good!!! woohoo! life is good!
Ok, so I get the idea that ppl here don't post as often. The world is just so full on busy here. But in a good way. I'm not really run off my feet but out all day. RAW, the conference that we are running, (yes, I say we because I am helping out) kicked off last night to the great start last night and it will run til Wed. So I think I am going to learn how to live on less sleep. Hmm, try bed by 12 and alarm off at 5.30am. But apparently this is not unusual around here. I just have to get used to it. I guess I know how to ignore sleep, it's just the concept of getting run down. I guess it's about following what God wants me to do and He will look after me. I will try to keep writing though. It is good for me to write down lessons. But this has all just been too full on for me to process yet. I will have to do that. I have moved in finally and will see to getting a tiny bit of furniture, e.g. a set of hanging drawers. But it will be all good. See you later.
I'm home!
So I'm here, but I'm tired. So gonna go to bed! Will write soon. First post from Van! Wow. I can be here for a year if I want. How cool!
Last Australian post...
...well at least for a while! And in honour of the occasion, "I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again." Wow, this is nuts and crazy. It's full on, I can't believe it. I'm leaving. Wierd. Who knows what is ahead. It's cool, but kind of scary, this is one of those standing at the edge of a cliff about to jump things. Here goes!
Last day....
I am going home, that is the biggest thought that has been running through my head today. I can't get it out. God told me last night that I was ready. That was huge! And today was the weirdest day. It was my last full day in Australia for what might be quite a while. Wow, I only just realised that, that is full on. And I just spent the whole of it cleaning and packing, what a waste. But it has been a peaceful day. It has been a funny day. I have had a lot to do but I felt that I had the time I needed and so I didn't feel rushed. In full completeness it's not done. So I will either get up early tomorrow and do it, or it will be how it is. The feeling at the moment is probably too weird to describe it was not some much a pondering mood today, because I didn't really think that much, but maybe a bit pensive. I don't know. It's almost like there are too many different emotions running though me that I am almost numb. I cannot believe I am doing this. Can't believe that I am leaving and going to live somewhere that is completely strange with so many unknowns. It's so weird. I don't know. I am taking a huge step out its exciting, freaky, scary, amazing, full of hope and opportunities. God's got my back. That is the most important thing. Wow, flying out tomorrow. See some of you soon. See some of you later! :)
It's all good!
I was reading in the Big Issue this week about someone's gripe about a couple words and phrases that have currently found their way into common use. Two of these were the word "awesome" and the phrase, "It's all good." In particular, the were frustrated because they believed that the "it's all good" was most frequently used when the situation was quite the opposite, for example, "I've just been made redundant, but it's all good." They felt that this was evidence that we have become a society that constantly glosses over the reality of life and strives only to present an image of success and capability. They felt that "it's all good" was a phrase that epitomised this and was sick and tired of people falsely trying to present an untrue image. I had to disagree with them though, at least on one count. Because there are times when this are difficult that I will say, "It's all good." However this is not a denial of the situation, rather it is a statement of faith. While things may not be great, it will be all God because there. When this is the case, "it's all good" becomes not a feigned ignorance or blindness but a trust in a God who does work all things for our good. So I can say "it's all good," because, really, it is!
some fears, then they got resolved...
Ok, for a little while I have had this niggling feeling at the back of me about Canada. I haven't been able to work out what it is about until today. This is it: See I have come back to Brisbane from Sydney and as soon as I arrived I knew I didn't feel like I Brisbane was home anymore. I wasn't returning home, I was just passing through. And then I went to my church on Sunday, and while it felt like ICW (which I love), it didn't feel like it was "my" church anymore. It was a place that I love, but it wasn't my home anymore. And so I am heading off to Canada. To this place that I have been to, but don't really know. And in me it feels like home, but I wonder, do I know it well enough to know this? I don't think I really do. And the thing is, I believe that even if it doesn't feel like home I am meant to stay there. What if I arrive and Van isn't home either. Then I have no home, and I'm halfway round the world. Somehow I think if I was to have no home, I would rather be in Brisbane. At least here I have lots of people that I know very well and we have history and we understand each other. Some of these people I have known all my life. Ain't no one in Canada I've known all my life. And it is funny cos I just took a break from writing this, and God just spoke to me, and I realised, it doesn't matter where I go, because home is in the arms of my Dad. And wherever He is, then I am home. Thankfully He is everywhere, so I can never be where it is not home. Because He will be there. And if I can't see Him at first I will find Him, and He has promised me that I will. Funny how when you face something head on it can be overcome quite quickly. God is good. So I am going home, and it will be home because He will be there! Wow, three days, I can't wait!
Coming home
Sorry to all my Australian friends who might feel sad/upset/offended by this, but it's how I feel. I have just been reading a whole bunch of blogs (as is my current daily practice) and of course a heap of them are of my friends in Canada (and some of them, my soon to be friends!). And it is now 4 days out from leaving and all I can really feel is, "Guys, I'm coming home! I'll be there really soon!" I am so excited! It still feels weird that I will be there in such a short time and that I will be leaving the wonderful land of Aus for such a long time, but I can't wait. So many new adventures on the horizon. So many lessons to learn with my God. So many people, so many things. It's almost like a whole new world! I am so excited!
Prayer send off
I had my last Sunday at my church yesterday. I love my church. They are a bunch of people that really know how to care for each other and they have great hearts and godly desires. One of the things that seems to have been a great tradition in our church is that we are constantly sending people off. For a church that is less than 30 people, we send off a couple people a year, with at least one of those permanently and a couple more on short term stuff. When we have someone who is leaving we have this cool practice of them sharing and then the invitation is put out for people to pray for this person. Many people gather around this person and prayers are offered up. Well it was my term yesterday and I have always loved to be a part of these things as someone who was praying for the person who was leaving because there is such a spirit of unity in it. And it was amazing being the person being prayed for. It was this incredible blessing to feel these people surrounding you physically but knowing that they were also surrounding you spiritually and that they would pray for you and think of you. Somehow it makes leaving all the easier when you know that you are leaving great people because you know that any coming back will be great as well. And it will also be good in the meantime!
I feel like I am writing the obvious, but it was on my heart this morning, so I am writing it.My God is so good to me and I don't understand it. And I don't deserve it at all. And I still don't get why He would want to talk to me personally, and yet I feel His love when He does. Sometimes I can't believe that He loves me, that He gives me the grace to be weak and to even fall and fail. And then He gives me the measure of what I need to be picked up and keep going. Sometimes I am feel like saying, "no God, I don't deserve this, I can do it on my own." But the strangest thing is that somehow, if I do that I am actually rejecting Him, turning away from the very One that I love the most. God, sometimes I don't get how I love you by letting You work in me and work for me. I hope and pray that my life will be worthy of it. Not that I somehow work out how to earn it or deserve it, but that it's not wasted. That I don't keep it all for me and my own happy party. That I share it, and that I am quick and obedient to do so. That I look at this world and see with Your eyes and Your heart and feel the urgency for a dying world. God, sometimes I get scared to ask for Your heart, cos I have an idea of what it means for 'life' for me. It means death, but then it means real living. God, I want that life.
The process of cleaning
So for me, with leaving comes the necessity to go through my room (and also the garage) and go things and throw stuff out and reorganise stuff. The truth of the matter is that this is seriously not one of my favourite things to and I definitely have to do it in time periods. Otherwise I just get sick of this. I think this is mostly because it is a long and arduous process and really you have to put in a lot of work without noticing a huge result. The end product is great, but you have to get there, and that takes time.And even as I look at what I have just written, I smile at the irony of it all. Because I was putting this post on to talk about the obvious analogies between cleaning out of things and then cleaning out in your life. I've been doing a bit of both, I guess. But here are some things that I have noticed about the process of the physical clean out. Strangely there are similiarities between the two. 1. I generally don't like doing this. It's generally a frustrating process.2. I find that there is so much stuff that I have kept that it has been pointless keeping. There is a lot of ruthless throwing out.3. There are things that I have kept or thrown out because other people have thought that I should or shouldn't.4. The mess definitely has to become much larger, because you have to pull everything out, sort through it and then repack it. 5. If I had all the time in the world, the process would collectively take a shorter amount of time. This is because with the way things are, I don't have time to pull it all out and go through it til it's all gone. People come visit and so you have to pull some out and then pack it up so that things can be functional. 6. As I pull things out there are things that I find that make me laugh, some that make me cringe, things that I will keep forever, things that I'm not sure if I should keep and things that I throw away straight away.7. There is a definite purpose in sorting things out, making them fit best, and packing them up in a way that is going to be most functional. 8. My hands get very dusty while doing it. This doesn't feel the greatest. 9. If you pack it well then things can fit in a small amount of space, but if you do it in a rushed way it is very bulky. 10. I will be so happy when it is finally done!
Hanging with the chicks
So I went to work today to finalise my resignation and to catch up with all the people that I worked with. I have loved that place. You have to be part of a team to work there, because as a team we help each other, and as a team we get there. And so there are some pretty special people there. And I just had the opportunity to catch up with them and there is nothing like catching up with like minded people. One of the things I love is that there are a heap of Christians at work and they bring their faith into what they do. And so I just had some great conversations with people, talking about what God is doing in their life and mine and just a time of mutual encouragement. And talking with one of my good friends and how there is some cool things happening in our lives. There is a group of girls back here that I call my group of godly women. They are all single and in the 20s or 30s and it's funny, because we've all been together for a while (even though we come from reasonably separated areas around the division) but now we are going to different places. I'm heading off to Canada, two of the girls are in Africa, one is moving from where she is and is on an unknown adventure. And a couple others are working out where God is leading them right where they are. There is something stirring in the waters and it's really cool. And it is exciting to think of it, but cool to think that we can still support each other and to think that even though I am around the other side of the world, my sisters in Christ are journeying with me, and through things like the net and email we can continue to support each other and cheer each other on. It is so true that we were never meant to do it alone and I love these girls. Praise God for His provision, I needed the reminder that the distance doesn't mean that they aren't still there.